Joanne Martin / Director & Senior Accountant
After having worked for more than 20 years in various office administration positions, Joanne made the decision to embark on a Bachelor of Accounting degree via Massey University's extra-mural study programme. Having completed her degree (while still working full-time), Joanne then took the plunge in 2009 and set up her own business Admin and Accounting Solutions Ltd. From humble beginnings (i.e. a desk in her dining room) Jo has built a successful boutique accounting practice with a very special team who are passionate, driven and highly skilled and dedicated to their clients. And they all have the same work ethic as their founder!

Chantelle De Young / Accountant
Chantelle absolutely loves the whanau feel within the Admin & Accounting team and the relationships she has built with her clients. She has worked within the administration and accounting industry for over 20 years - experience which is immediately evident based on both her knowledge and the efficiency of her insights, which are second to none. Outside of work, Chantelle is as busy mum to four amazing kids (plus any extras they bring home). Chantelle’s qualifications include a Diploma In Business and a Bachelor in Business (majoring in Accounting) all done extramurally. Never one to stop learning, her latest studies are focused on Te Ao Māori.

Julie Murray / Admin Assistant
Julie has a wealth of experience having worked in office management and administration / bookkeeping for the last 42 years. She has a background in several different accounting packages and absolutely loves working with Xero. Julie has always been passionate about her work and enjoys spending time with Jo and her other work colleagues. Outside of Admin & Accounting Solutions Ltd, Julie has a real love for netball, which she played for a number of years, and now follows from the sidelines. Also in her spare time, Julie enjoys walking and spending time with her beautiful grandchildren.

Michelle Bosson / Admin Assistant
Michelle has a diverse generalist administration background having worked in different industries and offices for over 20 years. She has experience in several different payroll and accounting software programmes and like Julie loves working with Xero. Michelle enjoys working with the team at Admin and Accounting Solutions Ltd as well as the range of work given to her. Outside of work, Michelle is a slave to her lifestyle block and relishes time in her garden between taking her children to activities outside of school and also volunteering with Bay of Plenty Shoebox Christmas each year.

Aaria Murray / Admin Assistant
Aaria is our youngest team member and is currently working part-time while doing her accounting degree. This is Aaria’s first administration role and is loving being a member of the Admin & Accounting team.